Udemy - Millionaire DJ Learn FL Studio No Music Training Required TUTORiAL

P2P 19 January 2016 | 1.24 GB


"I know Music Producers make Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars selling beats and songs to other artists, composing music for games and movies, and from record sales, but they must be wizards or something or went to an expensive college to learn."

"I want to be the next big music producer, but I've never played an instrument. That means I can't do it."

"I love listening to music, but I can't figure out where to start to make my own. Is it even possible for me?"

"I've been searching for resources online to learn Music Production, but I can't find anything!"

For some reason people think that you need to have music experience or untapped innate musical talent to become a Music Producer. Even more common than that is the idea that Music Production is hard. People have hundreds of excuses why they feel they can't become a Producer, but there's something I'm going to tell you here that will change your life:

Anyone can learn Music Production. Music Production is completely different from playing instruments and you don't need to know how to read music. Most famous DJs like Avicii and Martin Garrix have no musical training and taught themselves everything they know.


One and a half months after learning Music Production I got a job in the music industry making hundreds of dollars per song I made. This was all entirely self-taught and without formal musical training and the job practically fell into my lap! This was only possible because of the powerful learning methods I developed. If I knew this sooner then I wouldn't have had to suffer through a normal and boring life full of stress and work and I could have been enjoying every single day on this beautiful planet because I could set my own hours and my work was one of the most fun things anyone can do.

I was shocked that it was so simple. I asked myself everyday if I should keep my methods a secret so I could maintain my advantage, but I then I realized that I can permanently change thousands of good people's lives by teaching this. I knew I couldn't hold this back from the world, but I also knew that I couldn't give this information for free. That's why I made this course, so only people that are interested in investing in their future and changing their lives could learn what I know.

  • Like every great course, I'm offering value that is worth much more than the price of the course. Here are a few examples:
  • Learn by making 2+ Professional Songs with your own personal melodies!
  • Learn and understand FL Studio 12 inside and out, from the beginning straight up to Mixing and Mastering your very own beats and songs.
  • Learn what steps to take to start making money from your skills as soon as possible.
  • And much more, resulting in 3 COURSES worth of value!!!

    官网: http://bit.ly/1RSS2Wp

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