Udemy MuseScore-FREE music notation software-Full course TUTORiAL

P2P | 04 September 2019 | 460 MB


MuseScore tutorial to write professional sheet music. Use MuseScore for music composition and instrument rehearsal.

MuseScore is the best FREE music notation software available.

This course is for anyone that wants to write professional sheet music, lead sheets or chord sheets with MuseScore.
Every musician and music teacher needs to write sheet music and should know about this fantastic music notation software.

Learn how to easily and efficiently write scores for one or more instruments (up to a whole orchestra).

You can even enter notes using a MIDI piano keyboard.

It's possible to print (or export as a PDF file) the individual parts for the instruments in the orchestra or band.

MuseScore is also a great tool for music composers and also for people that want to write accompaniment music to rehearse their instrument.

MuseScore features an extensive sound library used to playback (and loop) your score.

In this course, you will learn in detail how to do all of this, explained by a teacher with more than 25 years of teaching experience.

Some of the topics covered in this course:

MuseScore installation on Windows, Mac and Linux

Entering notes, chords, accidentals and rests

Computer keyboard shortcuts for quicker note entry

How to enter notes with a MIDI piano keyboard

Navigating through MuseScore


Multiple voices

Guitar tablature

Cut, copy & paste selections

Page layout

Key/time signature changes

Adding lyrics, chord symbols, repeats & jumps, fretboard diagrams, rehearsal marks

Creating individual parts for each instrument

Export MIDI / audio files


Printing & exporting


官网: https://bit.ly/2ktzXp4

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