Udemy - Music Copyright Basics: Learn How to Protect Your Work!

ilfsn | 48 Minutes | 373MB


If you're worried about releasing your music because you don't understand how to properly copyright and protect your work then please continue reading.

We have all heard of the horror stories of musicians who have had their music stolen and were unfortunately not properly acknowledged nor paid. Don't let that be you!

In this course you will learn the basics of copyright and how to register your music with the US Copyright Office!

This information will help

Give you peace of mind
Protect your music
Handle your business like a boss
Get you properly paid or compensated for your work if its stolen
Check out what current students are saying

"This section of the course was very well explained." - David Gakin

"There's nothing fun about copyrighting your work except for the end result, and Joseph helped me get there as quickly and painlessly as possible. Quick, understandable, and to the point. What more could you need for this type of thing? Thanks, Joseph!" - Faris Monshi

"This isn't the most popular topic but an absolutely necessary one to tackle for all serious music producers and artists. The course gets straight to the point with a no non-sense approach. Everything is explained well and is easily understood. Thanks for this course EvaJ! This course is highly re-commend for anyone who is looking to copyright their musical works. The "tutorial documents" available on copyright(.)gov seems so complicated compared to Joseph's course. He keeps everything simple and easy to follow. One thing I did notice is you forgot to block out/blur your address in lecture 12, you might want to to something about that." - Al Laguna

Stop worrying about your music and take the necessary steps to properly cover yourself!Udemy - Music Copyright Basics: Learn How to Protect Your Work! screenshot
Udemy - Music Copyright Basics: Learn How to Protect Your Work! screenshot

官网: https://www.udemy.com/copyright-protect-your-music/

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