Udemy – Music Theory For Beat Makers Unlock Your Musical Potential TUTORiAL-COMPRISED

TEAM COMPRISED 2015.09.15 | 265,29 MB


Learn a skill that producers like Dr. Dre, Rodney Jenkins, Brian Michael Cox, and even Timbaland know to make beats!

Most beat makers and music producers have God given talent but lack understanding of the technical aspects of music production, such as music theory.

Wouldn't you like to know how to play piano chords, scales, and progressions so your beats sound more professional? Trust me this skill will separate your tracks from the competition.

This course is designed to teach you all the basic elements of music theory and playing the piano but solely for the purpose of improving your beats. And that my friend is the difference! Instead of paying a piano teacher that is completely disconnected from your world of music production, learn this skill from someone who actually produces music. Makes sense right.

I've been producing music for over 10 years and was taught how to play the piano at the age of 12. But when I was learning, all the concepts seemed foreign to me and were hard to understand. I eliminate this problem and will promise you that in under an hour you will know everything you need to make your beats sound more musically sound and original. (This is very important in these days where anyone can get a computer and software program and start making beats)

So take action on your dream, enroll in this course, and learn a skill that the majority of your competition doesn't have!

Thanks for your time and I'll see you on the other side.

- Joseph

What are the requirements?

You Don't Need To Know Anything About The Piano Or Music Theory
What am I going to get from this course?

Over 15 lectures and 1 hour of content!
Play Any Major or Minor Scale on the Piano
Play Any Major or Minor Triad (3-note chord) on the Piano
Invert Triads (3-note chords) to 1st and 2nd inversion
Incorporate Popular Chord Progressions, Scales, and Chords into Your Beats or Music Production Arsenal
What is the target audience?

Anyone With a God Given Talent To Create Music
Anyone Who Feels Hindered Musically
Producers That Want To Learn The Basics of Music Theory and The Piano For The Purpose Producing More Advanced Beats

官网: http://bit.ly/2y8kZZF

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