Udemy Piano Lessons for Adult Beginners Learn to Read Music

English |Pdf: MP4| 1.28 gb


The course is organized into ten units that each tackle a rhythmic concept. These concepts increase in difficulty only very gradually so that you never feel like you are asked to do something that is over your head. Supporting the rhythm-focused center of each unit are related concepts that enhance your musical understanding and widen the breadth of your playing ability. During each unit, you will be given exercises to play on the piano that will reinforce the concepts you are learning.
Unlike most piano method materials, you will learn the bass clef first. This choice is meant to encourage you to attend to the movement of low pitches - all in the pursuit of a more holistic understanding of the music you listen to and play. You will also be learning about the treble clef and, by the end of the course, you will be able to play music that is written for two hands.
At the end of each unit, you will be asked to put your training to the test in a short performance of a piece of music that will feature recently-learned concepts. As you progress through the units, you will discover that your performance pieces are all part of the same composition. In other words, by the end of the course, you will have played all of the parts to a single piece of music and you will be able to hear what they sound like when played together. For your last project, you will be challenged to learn a specific piece of music entirely on your own.
You are going to learn a ton about reading music and it it is going to be both fun and satisfying.

Extract RAR5 archives

The majority of unpackers do not support the new RAR5 format. You will receive an error message when you try to open it, and there is usually no way to integrate it manually into the application to add support for it.

So, the only feasible option right now is to install Winrar 5.x on your system if you want to use a graphical user interface. Note that this is a trial version, and while it won't stop working after the trial runs out, it will nag you to upgrade the software.

官网: https://www.coursetalk.com/providers/udemy/courses/piano-lessons-for-adult-beginners-learn-to-read-music

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