Udemy Piano Zen Experience Your True, Unlimited Musical Potential TUTORiAL

P2P | 10 September 2019 | 125 MB


Do you think it's possible to have a Piano Zen experience while practicing? Believe me, it can happen!

I realized 12 years ago that a slower, more mindful approach to practicing the piano was not only a more effective, quicker way to learn but also a more natural and musical way as well.

Most people that try to learn the piano bring a lot of tension and anxiety to the process. However, it doesn't have to be that way. In fact, practicing the piano can be a wonderful, relaxing, and deeply expressive experience. And, you'll find that is easier than you ever imagined!

The Stillpoint approach combines relaxing and mindful contemplative techniques to make learning the piano a calm, pleasant, stress-free experience.

Stillpoint techniques help you to slow down the way you learn so that you can find a balance between mind and body.

If you have an interest or experience in Eastern disciplines like tai chi, yoga, qi gong, or Zen meditation, you will find the Stillpoint techniques very familiar and engaging.

However, you don't have to be a tai chi or yoga enthusiast to get benefits from the course. You may just be interested in a musical activity that provides a little relief from the tension and stress of your busy day!

When you take a Stillpoint lesson, it is like having a Stillpoint instructor right there with you guiding every step of your piano lesson. All of the guess work about how to practice the piano is gone.

This program will encourage you to embrace mindfulness at the piano to unlock your true, unlimited musical potential.

Sign up today and let's get started together!

What you'll learn
Learn the secrets to playing the piano naturally and expressively - even as a beginner
Learn to read and interpret music notation
Learn how to improvise and express yourself creatively
Learn to play contemporary piano solos with mature sounding musical expression
Use the unique Stillpoint techniques to learn how to practice effectively and efficiently on your own
Using a blend of Western and Eastern techniques, learn the secrets of musical interpretation

官网: https://bit.ly/2m59QW0

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