Udemy Pianoforall-Incredible New Way To Learn Piano And Keyboard-UDUMMY

Team UDUMMY | 13 March 2022 | 13.23 GB


Now ANYONE Can Learn Piano or Keyboard

Imagine being able to sit down at a piano and just PLAY - Ballads, Pop, Blues, Jazz, Ragtime, even amazing Classical pieces? Now you can... and you can do it in months not years without wasting money, time and effort on traditional Piano Lessons.

An Incredible Set of Videos and ebooks (9 books, 600 pages)
Pianoforall is specially designed to take complete beginners to an intermediate level faster than any other method. You start with popular rhythm style piano (think of artists like Lennon & McCartney, Elton John, Billy Joel, Barry Mannilow, Lionel Ritchie, Coldplay and so on) which means you get to sound like a pro right from the start.

You then expand step-by-step into Ballad style, Blues, Jazz, Ragtime, Improvisation and creating your own melodies. You will even learn how to read music AS you learn how to ‘play-by-ear’ and eventually you will be able to play some amazing Classical pieces.

The course is divided into 9 very easy to follow sections:
?Party Time - Play-By-Ear - Rhythm Style Piano
?Basic Blues & Rock ’n’ Roll
?Chord Magic & Inversions
?Advanced Chords Made Easy
?Ballad Style & Improvisation
?Jazz Piano Made Easy
?Advanced Blues, Fake Stride & The Entertainer
?Taming The Classics
?Speed Learning

Pianoforall is one of the only piano courses on Udemy that comes with exceptional supplemental material - each video has an accompanying PDF that you can print out and set on your keyboard. There is a complete PDF ebook at the end of each section. It's very important to learn from printed instruction as well as video so that you can explore more written material after you finish the course.

官网: https://bit.ly/3i5b6SY

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