Udemy Play Guitar With This One Course Guaranteed TUTORiAL

P2P | 14 April 2022 | 1.19 GB


At OnlyWayToPlay Inc., we know you want to become a confident guitarist. The problem is, the traditional methods of learning often require expensive lessons and/or take up too much of your time. This can make you feel embarrassed, frustrated or even confused before you can play your first chord — let alone your first song. We believe there’s a better way! The key to our course's success comes down to three words . . .

“Ease of Use!” Simply put, it takes what normally should require months and months of practice and streamlines it into playing guitar with just a few fingers at a time while also transporting you musically into sounding just like a seasoned guitarist. Whether you've never played guitar before in your life, you’re a new guitarist who has struggled with standard tuning, you're a singer/songwriter wanting to pick up an instrument to write your first big hit, you're a worship leader who needs to lead songs at Sunday services and/or you're a professional guitarists looking for a new open tuning to master, the prospects of our course are endless. So, what are you waiting for?! Stop doubting yourself as a guitarist and quickly become one today with our Open Tuning Guitar Method.

What you'll learn
?Why we teach our open tuning guitar method to beginner rhythm guitarists, singer-songwriters and/or worship leaders alike to get them playing guitar ASAP
?How you can play guitar using our unique yet simple guitar chords while only using a few fingers at a time which gets rid of fatigue and boosts your confidence
?What our chords & scales look like which will include custom clips and all the instructional materials you'll ever need to be productive and stay motivated
?How to become a confident guitarist while playing songs, learning new music, jamming with friends, writing your first big hit and playing guitar onstage

官网: https://bit.ly/3KZyzBX

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