Udemy Radio Promotion How To Get a Song On The Radio TUTORiAL

P2P 22 November 2015 | 3.35 GB


Learn What It Takes To Get a Song On The Radio Without Emptying Your Pockets

As the artist Manafest I've sold over 300,000 albums worldwide over 1,000,000 singles and toured over 19 different countries.

I've spent thousands and thousands of dollars promoting my songs to radio with tons of success as well as failure.

Radio is an amazing amplifier and still the #1 way to reach a HUGE amount of people and build a fanbase.

The difference between an artist doing good or doing great is most times dependent on radio.

I encourage my students to have at least 1-3 radio singles per album to promote to radio stations.

I have put this course together for you - to which you have full lifetime access, including all the updates, for free.

I "take you by the hand" and "behind the scenes" and show you everything, explaining it in simple detail with videos and written support lectures.

See exactly why I've been so successful with radio and also learn from my mistakes.

I respond to all my students questions so please take advantage of my experience and post a question in the discussion so I can help further.

What are the requirements?
- a desire to succeed in the music industry

What am I going to get from this course?
- Over 20 lectures and 1.5 hours of content!
- How To Write a Song For Radio
- Hire a Radio Promoter
- How To Get a Song Played On The Radio

What is the target audience?
- Artists
- Managers

官网: https://www.udemy.com/radiopromotion/

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