Udemy Singing Made Simple: Become A Great Singer Fast TUTORiAL

P2P | 20 February 2023 | 1.42 GB


Are you an aspiring singer, but not quite sure how to take your voice to the next level?

Then you are at the right place!

I believe that your voice is just as unique as you are and I would love to help you develop one of your biggest gifts – your voice.

In this course I will teach you all the correct vocal techniques associated with healthy singing. Breathing, posture, resonance, vocal fold compression, the larynx and working on all the vocal registers are only a few things that you can expect while also having a ball of a time. This is a singing experience that is not only good for your voice, but great for your soul!

We will also have a look at how to sing with emotion and most importantly - how to love your voice! Our own thoughts have a tremendous impact on every aspect of our lives and your thoughts about your voice can have a tremendous impact on your singing. Learning to embrace your voice can really assist you with learning how to become a great singer.

In this course I make use of a visual and auditory learning method, so that singing can be made simple! Your brain is your biggest singing muscle, so visualization is such an important part of your learning journey.

I want to awaken something that is already inside of you…and that is your voice.

You deserve to be heard!

Let me help you develop your voice to reach its full potential.

官网: https://bit.ly/3Em5qzx

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