UDEMY Songwriting Learn How To Write a Catchy Song TUTORIAL-COMPRISED

COMPRISED | Oct 16 2015 | 2.97 GB


This course is all about writing a catchy song. After diving through the most important basics, such as beat, notes and scales we will focus on chords. We'll analyze and understand why to choose a chord over another in order to create a certain atmosphere. After that you'll be able to create and release tension in your song, which is very important for successful songwriting

A great deal of the course is about writing a great melody and how to use motives, sequences and transformations to improve your songwriting skills. We'l teach you how to avoid to write boring melodies and give you lots of techniques to spice them up. After all, you want to entertain your audience, don't you?

We'll cover the topics of lyrics and give you advice how to approach songwriting in case you have to fit the melody to the lyrics or vice versa.

We tried to create a course that can be really helpful to you, so there are exercises after each section.

We've created a course that is useful for any music genre. All the example audio files can be downloaded, so that you can also practice at home.

Students should be able to finish this course within 14 days if they are very commited, or 30 days if they are taking this course part time.

The course is linear, so it is best advice to watch it from beginning to end. It is also modular though, so it is possible to rewatch a certain topic if you want to refresh your memory or feel you missed something.

If you want to know why certain chords work, why certain melodies sound good and what you can do to turn any song into a catch great song, then this course is for you.

官网: https://www.udemy.com/how-to-write-a-catchy-song/

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