Udemy Sony Vegas Pro 17 2020 Beginners Mastery Course TUTORiAL

P2P | 16 February 2020 | 1.77 GB


If you've been dreaming about starting your own business, becoming the next big YouTube star or fashion blogger, creating online training courses, or simply sharing your family videos on social media sites... video editing is a crucial skill you must learn.

Having high quality videos can literally make or break your success!

I can assure you that Sony Vegas Pro 17 is the most intuitive, easy to learn, and effective of all video editing software on the market. There's a reason why so many businesses, marketers, music video producers, and film & TV producers are using Sony Vegas Pro. It's easy & powerful!

You'll be amazed by how easy it is to get started!

This course was designed with complete beginners in mind, and will quickly & easily teach you a complete, end to end video editing process using the most recent version of Sony Vegas Pro.

Once you've mastered those fundamentals, we'll move on and discover how to enhance your videos with a wide variety of industry standard video editing techniques, filters, and effects.

I'll show you things like:

?How to create a new project, add multiple videos, perform basic video editing, and add titles
?How to efficiently render & publish your Sony Vegas Pro video projects to multiple social media sites
?How to use fast or slow motion
?How to color correct color clips so they look their very best
?Brightness & contrast
?Cropping, zooming, & panning
?Adding music tracks
?Removing audio
?Audio enhancement & replacement
?Green screen
?Compositing and keyframing
?Motion Tracking
?Adding Text
?And much more!

You can buy this Sony Vegas Pro course with complete confidence that you'll be confidently achieving your video editing goals, faster that you ever thought possible!

Click the "Take This Course" button, and I'll meet you inside!

官网: https://bit.ly/2HqjmdV

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