Udemy Super Guitar Licks Whiplash Guitar Secrets TUTORiAL

P2P | 24 January 2023 | 2.36 GB


It’s time to turn some heads with your guitar playing and this program is just the thing to help you stick out from the crowd! This course focuses on developing 3 advanced skills that will bring your playing to a pro level : Sweep Picking, Tapping and Harmonics.

This program is going to focus on teaching you the most important advance techniques you need to develop which will give your playing “That Edge” that makes people notice your not just some Joe Shmoe fiddler…The program concentrates on 3 main techniques:

Sweep Picking – Focusing on the most efficient picking technique available, these lessons will teach you all you need to know to master the technique

Tapping – 10 lessons taking you from straight beginner ideas all the way to two handed tapping used in some of the “flashiest” solo’s!

Harmonics – In this 4 part series, you will learn about the four different types of harmonics: Natural, Artificial, Right Hand and Tapped… and how to integrate them into your playing!

"Hey Mike, just wanted to say thank you for the backing tracks. I don’t have a lot of spare time and getting together with other guys just doesn’t happen anymore. The backing tracks is just what I need to feel the thrill! I haven’t had calluses on my finger tips in 20+ years. I do now!

I’m a product of the 80’s rock genre and I absolutely love the jams! Keep doing what you do! Old guys like me really appreciate it! It’s just a piece of my youth that I can reach back and touch!

官网: https://bit.ly/3Ja1eGc

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