Udemy - The Aspiring Recording Artists Complete Guide to Singing! TUTORiAL

P2P 23 January 2016 | 3.15 GB


Your voice is an amazing and delicate instrument and breathing is the foundation of singing. In this class you will learn how your instrument is built and how to use it efficiently and make the most when expressing your inner feelings through music.

Beyond correct breathing technique and proper use of vocal registers the career of a singer depends to a large extent on technology, the stage and the recording studio are two very different worlds that demand distinctive skills and knowledge of gear.

In this class you will gain insight to both environments from the standpoint of a professional singer, producer and vocal coach and from the perspective of a professional sound engineer and a talented backup musician.

A myriad of good singers inhabit the Internet to the point that a good or even a great sounding voice is nearly irrelevant if it doesn’t have a unique style and a very distinct presentation. This class will give you specific guidelines to develop your own unique style through creative phrasing, dynamics, tone and articulation. You will learn how to deliver lyrics in meaningful ways and much more.

官网: https://www.udemy.com/vocal-singing/

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