Udemy The Guitar-Songs Workshop Beautifully Play YOUR Favorites TUTORiAL

P2P | 11 March 2018 | 8.44 GB


The Only Course That'll Give You the Toolbox to Play All of YOUR Favorite Songs. (+ 24 Shortcuts, Hacks, Tips & Tricks)

Do you LOVE listening to music, and especially to songs with guitars in them?

Did you always wish to be able to play your favorite songs by yourself? (perhaps while singing along as well?)

Are you tired of long winded YouTube lessons and Udemy courses that get you nowhere? Or maybe you've been playing for some time, but the songs you play still don't sound good and seem like a lot of work?

Did you ever think that you're just "not musical" and won't be able to do this?

Well, I have exactly what you're looking for, and you're gonna love it. So if you love music - read on.

My name is Alon, I am the founder of GuitarHippies-com, one of the world's top five most read guitar blogs. (* source) I learned guitar by myself, and I am here to help you do it too, while solving a MAJOR problem in the music teaching world:

90% of the people who start playing the guitar - quit it within a year. (** source)

That's a shame to hear, but I know EXACTLY why this happens - and I worked very hard to get the solution for you.

The Reason: Most teachers (online and offline) focus on too much fluff and don't really consider the player's wants and needs. Most lessons' final goals are too vague, too long winded, and lack a focus and understanding of what most people are really after - which is simply to play the songs that THEY love - out of their own hands.

官网: http://bit.ly/2oYsvSc

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