Udemy Trinity Grade 2 Music Theory TUTORiAL

P2P | 06 August 2024 | 241 MB


This grade 2 music theory course covers the topics set out on the Trinity College London syllabus. This is an beginner level exam/course and is ideal if you: ... have recently begun learning to read printed music or ... are keen to discover more about how music "works"

Knowing music theory is the key to understanding written music so that you can perform it well, and also helps you to composer your own music and gain a deeper appreciation of the music you love to listen to.

What level is Grade 2?
Grade 1 is a beginner's level course - the highest level is grade 8, which is roughly equivalent to first year undergraduate level at university.
There are no pre-requisites for taking any theory exams.

What will I learn?
In a nutshell, this level introduces you to the concepts of reading notes in the treble and bass clefs, the different values of notes and rests, major scales and key signatures (in four easy keys), basic chords, counting intervals, and how to construct and write down musical rhythms. You'll also learn some of the most common symbols and terms used in music.
The course uses both UK and USA terminology for notes (crotchets AND quarter notes!)

What's included in the course?
Free copy of the MyMusicTheory Coursebook PDF. This is a comprehensive coursebook which goes into depth for each topic of the course, providing further examples and explanations.
The PDF includes hundreds of exercises for you to practice your skills (answers provided)
The PDF also includes a complete mock test in the style of the real exam

What you'll learn

?Pass Trinity Grade 2 Music Theory with Distinction!
?Learn the basics of how music works, and how to pass the Trinity exam
?Get started in composition and harmony
?Practise your skills with the included PDF, exercises and tests!

官网: https://www.udemy.com/course/trinity-grade-2-music-theory/

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