Udemy Worlds Fastest Piano Method The Piano Revolution! TUTORiAL

P2P | 10 September 2019 | 1.03 GB


DecPlay is the World's Fastest Way to Learn Piano, designed for people who want to experience the joy of playing popular music, without wanting to spend time learning traditional notation.

The DecPlay range of piano methods are designed for popular music (although it includes some classical music eg Beethoven), and provide the fastest way to enjoy the pleasure of playing piano, using a simple 'numbers and colours' system.

DecPlay simplifies complex combinations of notes into numerical patterns; through the use of our revolutionary song sheets, you will be able to understand which keys to play within 10 minutes. By combining such song sheets with video tutorials, learners will be able to play their first song within one hour - both chords and melody and then as you become more familiar with playing, be able to play the song smoothly by the end of the first day. If you practice a few minutes each day, you should be confident enough to play for your family and friends within 1 week!

The FastPlay course guides you through the 3 core skills required to play your first song on the piano and then teaches advanced skills to improve your playing style.

You should take this course if you want a fun, fast and simple way to experience the joy of playing piano. You then have choices to learn more songs from famous artists, or improve your playing style with advanced techniques from the DecPlay range of tuition methods.

If you wish to learn to read traditional notation, a lesson within the course explains how you can directly convert from the DecPlay notation method to traditional notation.

Take this Revolutionary Piano Tutorial course right now and learn your first song on piano in 1 hour.

What you'll learn
By the end of the course, you will be able to play songs using both hands to a level that will impress your friends and family!
In this course, you will learn how to identify keys on the keyboard, understand how to read a song sheet and learn how to play both chords and melody of a song on a piano.

官网: https://bit.ly/2m1OE38

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