Ultimate Piano Course - PGN Piano

ilfsn | 7.5 Hours | 7.72GB


Would you like to learn how to combine hands when playing piano? How to play by ear, play chords, play scales and compose music? How to read sheet music? How to learn a new song every day? And how to use piano chords to learn songs quicker and remember them better?

PGN Piano has over 185.000 subscribers on YouTube and is the Largest Piano Tutorial channel in Europe. Now presenting: The Ultimate Piano Course! :)

1. Introducing The Piano

Course Introduction
What's a Piano?
The Secret of This Course
Name The White Keys
Name The Black Keys
Special Names
Double Sharps
Double Flats
Test Your Knowledge

2. Scales & Octaves

Scales, What's the Use?
Major Scales
Minor Scales
Octaves To Play
Octaves To Jump
Scale Practice
Octave Practice
Test Your Knowledge

3. Chord Basics

Introduction to Chords
Major Chords
Minor Chords
Major 7 Chords
Minor 7 Chords
Splitting Chords
Slash Chords
Test Your Knowledge

4. Chord Mastery

Introduction to Chord Mastery
Chord Progressions
Right Hand Chords
Left Hand Chords
Chords & Octaves
Left Hand Patterns
Right Hand Patterns
Auto Match Chords
Play Your 1st Song
Standard Chord Grip
Test Your Knowledge

5. Combining Like A Pro

Introduction to Combining Hands
4 Levels of Learning
Start With Left
Then Play Right
Slow Combinations
Steady Left Individual Right
Steady Right Individual Left
Double Individuals
1st Combination Song
3 More combination songs
Test Your Knowledge

6. Learn A New Song Per Day

Introduction to 1 Song Per Day
Find Keys & Chords
How To Extract the Key
Specify Intro
Left Hand Progression
Right Hand Chords
Right Hand Lyrics
Full Chord Lyrics
Test Your Knowledge

7. Play By Ear

Introduction to Playing By Ear
Figuring Out Scales/Keys
Chord Progressions
Left Hand Specification
Intro Specification
Right Hand Chords
Right Hand Inversions
Right Hand Lyrics
Test Your Knowledge

8. Compose Songs [BONUS]

Introduction to Composing
Basic Composing Tips
Find your Style
Backing Track
Melody Lines

9. How To Read Sheet Music

Introduction to Sheet Music
Where to get Sheet Music?
Treble Clef
Bass Clef
Dots and Ties
Flags and Beams
Note and Rest Values
Time Signatures
Key Signatures

官网: https://www.skillshare.com/classes/Ultimate-Piano-Course-PGN-Piano/852330488

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