UNDRGRND Sounds Lo-Fi House Chords WAV Ableton Chord Rack

FANTASTiC | 28 May 2020 | 292 MB


Lo-Fi House Chords is an authentic sonic collection of woozy, warped and warm chord loops and one-shots perfect for lo-fi house and deep house production.

Each loop and sample has been recorded direct from a variety of classic analogue and digital synths, then additionally processed with tape, distortion and saturation to add pure lo-fi grit and flavour to every sound.

Inside the pack you’ll discover a mix of 230 deep lo-fi chord loops, pads and 100 one-shot stabs oozing with inspiration. All loops and key- and tempo-labeled for maximum ease of use in your DAW.

And for Ableton users we’ve created a custom chord rack to make using the one-shots easy and inspirational as possible. The chord selector macro let’s you cycle through sounds in a breeze and the other 7 macros give you additional lo-fi processing options including tape delay, noise levels, wild phasing options and more!

If you’re looking for more of ‘dat lo-fi house vibe then check out our Lo-Fi House and Lo-Fi Deep House packs!

All our audio samples, presets and MIDI files are 100% royalty-free and can be used in your own productions, releases or compilations as you wish.

Product breakdown:

> 230 x Wav loops

> 100 x Wav one-shots

> 1 x Ableton Chord Rack with 8 macro controls

官网: https://bit.ly/2M6KgJY

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