Unreal Engine Ultimate SFX Bundle WAV

P2P | 30 March 2022 | 3.74 GB


** Future Life Time Updates - Get all of our current and future packs for only $19.99! **

(Started at around 2000 sounds now we are at [9849] sounds!)

?** Our long awaited remaster is finally out! We have completely reworked some of our best selling packs using a brand new microphone setup to ensure the pack's quality is as high as it can be!

*Flexible License! - All the sounds are 100% royalty free, You can use them in your Commercial games, Videos, Streams or anything else!

When we started this pack we only had around 2000 sounds. Thanks to the community's amazing support we are now at over 9000 sounds. And don't plan to stop anytime soon!

The Bundle's Total size is 7GB And It Includes all of our packs:

?Real Recorded Guns & Bullet Sounds (New) - $9.99
?Real Recorded Car Sounds - 14.99$
?Ultimate Water Sounds - 14.99$
?Fire & Flame Sounds - 9.99$
?Ultimate 2D Retro/Platformer Sounds [New] - $7.99
?Ultimate Footstep Sounds [New] - $7.99
?Medieval Fighting Sounds Pro [New] - $4.99
?Horror Ambiances Vol 2 [New] - $4.99
?Alien Sounds Pro - $4.99
?Gore Sounds Pro - $4.99
?Animal Sounds Pro - $4.99
?Footstep Sounds Pro - $4.99
?Sci Fi Weapon Sounds Pro - $4.99
?Punch & Fighting Sounds Pro - $4.99
?Monster Sounds Pro - $4.99
?Swords Sounds Pro - $4.99
?UI & Item Sounds - $4.99
?Zombie Sounds Pro - $4.99
?Bow & Arrow Sounds Pro - $4.99
?Bullet Impacts & Flybys SFX Pro - $4.99
?Casual Game Announcer - $4.99
?Casual Music Pack - $4.99
?Survival Sounds Pro - $9.99
?Explosion Sounds Pro - $4.99
?Natural Ambiances Pro - $4.99
?Natural Ambiances Vol 2 - $7.99
?Pirate Sounds Pro - $4.99
?Hero Voice: Amy - $4.99
?Hero Voice: Jake - $4.99
?Gun Sound Essentials - $7.99
?Horror Ambiances Pro - $4.99
?Impacts & Sweeps Pro - $4.99
?Cinematic Music Pack - $4.99
?Casual Game Announcer - $4.99
?Real Pianos Vol. 1 - $4.99
?Russian Soldier - $4.99
?Sci-Fi Ambiances Pro - $4.99
?Ultimate Animal Sounds - $9.99
?Modern UI Sounds - $4.99
?Battlefield Ambiances - 6.99$
?Sci-Fi Doors SFX Pro - Exclusive Bonus
?Ghost Sounds Pro - Exclusive Bonus

?44 SFX Packs
?9849 Premium SFX
?Professionally mixed and mastered
?Game Ready

官网: https://bit.ly/3K0bnTC

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