Valhalla DSP Valhalla Supermassive v2.5.0 VST VST3 AU AAX x64 ARM WiN macOS [FREE]

FREE | 22 November 2022 | 10.7 MB


ValhallaSupermassive has been designed from the ground up for MASSIVE delays and reverbs. Get ready for luscious clouds of reverb, otherworldly delays, and swelling waves of feedback unlike any you’ve heard before.

Supermassive has 16 out-of-this-world reverb/delay modes:

?Gemini: Fast attack, shorter decay, high echo density.
?Hydra: Fast-ish attack, shorter decay, low to high echo density (depending on the DENSITY control setting)
?Centaurus: Medium attack, longer decay, medium to high echo density (depending on the ?DENSITY control setting)
?Sagittarius: Slow attack, longer decay, high echo density
?Great Annihilator: Medium attack, very long decay, medium to high echo density (depending on the DENSITY control setting)
?Andromeda: Slowest attack, very long decay, very high echo density
?Lyra: Fast attack, shorter decay, low echo density
?Capricorn: Fast attack, shorter decay, medium echo density
?Large Magellanic Cloud: Long reverb, LOOOONG repeating echoes, long decay, medium attack
?Triangulum: Long reverb, VERY LONG repeating echoes, long decay, slow attack
?Cirrus Major: Low/medium echo density, strange repeating patterns, fast attack
?Cirrus Minor: Low echo density, strange repeating patterns, fast attack, smaller than Cirrus Major
?Cassiopeia: Initially low echo density that quickly builds to long and lush reverbs, mysterious repeating patterns, fast attack
?Orion: the much bigger version of Cassiopeia. Low echo density that can build to enormous reverbs, fast attack, strange resonances and repeating patterns.
?Aquarius (New in 2.0.0): a dedicated EchoVerb algorithm, with a strong audible echo/de;au that can morph into a lush reverb with higher DENSITY settings
?Pisces (New in 2.0.0): the bigger sibling of Aquarius. EchoVerb, with even denser and lusher reverbs on tap than Aquarius.


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