x64 VST AU WiN MAC LiN | 15 MB
Open-source virtual modular synthesizer
VCV Rack is the engine powering VCV modules. Add modules, connect cables, edit parameters, and save/load patches. Create generative patches with your mouse, perform with your MIDI keyboard controller, or connect it to your favorite DAW using the VCV Bridge VST/AU plugin (coming soon).
In Rack, control voltages and audio signals are equivalent, so you can modulate parameters with sonic-range VCOs to create customizable FM synths or chaotic wave-shaping oscillators.
1.1.4 (2019-08-22)
Fix parameter smoothing of MIDI-Map.
Sort modules within plugin in the Module Browser according to plugin rather than alphabetically.
Fix bug where knobs sometimes jump while dragging.
Reimplement CPU meter to measure thread runtime, not real time.
Fix crashes when deleting/duplicating modules while dragging modules/cables in certain cases.
Add dsp::BiquadFilter.
Add dsp/approx.hpp with approximate math functions.
Add simd::tan(), atan(), and atan2().
Add string::toBase64() and fromBase64().
官网: https://vcvrack.com/Rack.html