10.11.2019 | x64 VST AU WiN MAC LiN | 15 MB
Open-source virtual modular synthesizer
VCV Rack is the engine powering VCV modules. Add modules, connect cables, edit parameters, and save/load patches. Create generative patches with your mouse, perform with your MIDI keyboard controller, or connect it to your favorite DAW using the VCV Bridge VST/AU plugin (coming soon).
In Rack, control voltages and audio signals are equivalent, so you can modulate parameters with sonic-range VCOs to create customizable FM synths or chaotic wave-shaping oscillators.
1.1.6 (2019-11-04)
Add ability for plugins to use LuaJIT on Mac.
Fix normal random number generator possibly returning -infinity.
MIDI-Map: Don't move param until the first MIDI CC command is sent.
Remove support for namespaced rack::APP, rack::DEBUG, etc macros. Use namespace-less APP, DEBUG, etc instead.
Add dsp::IIRFilter.
官网: https://vcvrack.com/Rack.html