Vocal Workouts for the Contemporary Singer by Anne Peckham

PDF | MP3 | 476 MB


This essential vocal companion provides singers of today’s music with complete exercise circuits to match all voice types and levels, whether they’re new to singing or an experienced professional.

Grounded in traditional vocal technique and updated for singers of rock, rhythm and blues, hip-hop, and other contemporary styles, this book will expand your vocal technique, power, stamina, range, and expressive breadth. Warm-ups get you ready to sing. Workouts build your vocal strength and all aspects of your technique. The accompanying sing along CD will be your constant workout accompanist making vocal exercises and practice accessible.

In this book, you’ll get:

? 26 exercises for warming up and developing your voice
? Basic and advanced workouts for high and low voices
? 2- and 3-part exercies for harmony practice
? Routines to help you organize your practice time according to your level and schedule
? A sing-along CD to support your workout, for all voice types: male/female and hgih/low
? Detailed descriptions and helpful tips for how to warm up and develop your voice, discussing breath control, practice strategies, and specific technical advice for improving your control over vibrato, range, and belting
? Essential advice for vocal study, voice maintenance, and auditioning

官网: http://berkleepress.com/voice/vocal-workouts-for-the-contemporary-singer/

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