Wave Arts Impulse Record Convology XT v1.23 [U2B] + Libraries macOS-TRAZOR

TRAZOR | Dec 20 2021 | 6.9 GB


Convology XT is a free convolution reverb, the result of a collaboration between Impulse Record and Wave Arts. Convology XT comes with 74 vintage impulse responses, a sampling of the 3,556 impulse responses in the Convology XT library.

The Convology XT Complete Library is focused on vintage reverb effects. Responses were sampled from 126 different pieces of vintage studio gear from studios all over the world. There are 10 separate libraries: 80s-90s DSP 1 Basic, 80s-90s DSP 2 Classic, 80s-90s DSP 3 Pro, Plates, Springs Bright, Springs Boingy, Springs Warm, Echo Space, Vintage Amps, and Vintage German DSP. The libraries are affordably priced.

The Convology XT True Stereo Library consists of 4-channel true stereo impulse responses. There are 2 separate true stereo libraries: True Stereo 1 and True Stereo 2.

The plug-in features an easy to use interface to browse through the libraries, allowing the user to quickly step through presets and audition on the fly while the music is playing. Despite being free, Convology XT is a world class convolution reverb, with CPU efficient processing, low latency and zero latency modes, max IR length of 2M samples (40 sec at 48 kHz), support for true stereo responses, support for WAV and AIF files, and modulation. There are also extensive IR modification functions, including stretch, decay time scaling, EQ, frequency-dependent decay time scaling, time reverse, and amplitude envelope. And a cool UI with real time spectrum, time display, and images of the vintage gear.

The beauty of Convology XT is the ease of browsing a huge vintage library, with truly world class impulse response files.

But without this cracked plug-in, you will have to buy Complete Library & True Stereo Library separately.

官网: https://impulserecord.com/convology-xt

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