Waveform Recordings Detroit Sessions WAV-MAGNETRiXX

Team MAGNETRiXX | 27 JUNE 2012 | 485.63 MB


Dark, downreaching underground Detroit techno from the Waveform Recordings gurus, featuring rumbling sub basslines, dark thick synths, twisted vocal cuts, heavy grooves, & fresh sounding modern analog percussion.

Detroit Sessions is a forward-thinking modern fusion of cutting-edge techno & tech house, full-on Detroit floor-freakin' techno monsters.

Detroit Sessions packs in 900+MB of deep and dark music/synth loops, big subsynth basslines, driving teched-up and dubby beats, analog kick-free tops and percussive loops, drum fills, processed vox plus FX and drum hits.

Beat Loops ? 81 driving & dubby tech/techno beats with heavy analogue warmth

Bass Loops ? 50 deep and driving synth sub-smackers for maximum low-end power.

Music Loops ? 70 afterhours leads, deep chords and dark riffs built to inspire.

Tops Loops ?103 kick-craving tech tops loaded with analogue shots, fresh perc hits and quirky circuit-derived sounds.

Percussion Loops ?55 rhythm-rocking analog perc-infused grooves.

Vox Loops ? 12 raw dark techno vox loops.

Drum Fills ? 20 precision programmed fills built to work with the beats straight out of the box.

FX ? 55 bending & morphed synths, noises, & more

Single Hits ? 71 Huge Analog Kicks, Claps & Snares, Cymbals & Hats, and Percussive hits.

All Loops are tempo labeled at 122, 124, &125bpm 911.8 MB

官网: http://sounds.beatport.com/pack/detroit-sessions/2288

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