TEAM VON.G 2013-07-02 | 1.15 GB
The Wavelore Pedal Steel Guitar ($299.99) is the world's first pedal steel library to date that is fully playable in realtime. Instead of relying on pre-recorded licks and loops, the Wavelore Pedal Steel Guitar uses single-note samples with advanced KSP scripting to put all ten bendable strings of E9th tuning right under your fingers! Programmed with 8-way round-robin samples per note, this amazing instrument is rounded out with multiple amp simulations, full neck position control, two types of release samples, and a host of tweakable/assignable controls for complete flexibility.
Instrument Features:
Ten strings of E9th-tuned pedal steel guitar, totalling 1.9 Gigabytes of 24-bit samples for Native Instruments Kontakt 2 or above.
Allows independent pitch bending of all strings in nearly endless combinations, all on a single Kontakt MIDI channel.
8-Way Round-Robin sampling for natural sounding repetitions of notes and phrases.
Gives access to 24 neck positions via assignable MIDI CC#. New in Version 2.5: Position control via keyswitch or "Auto-Position Mode".
Seperately assignable controls for vibrato speed and depth.
New in Version 2.5: User-definable/switchable amp tremolo.
New in Version 2.5: User-definable per-string pitch-wheel ranges - even define differing ranges for the upward and downward directions! Includes two factory presets and several batch editing tools.
New in Version 2.5: Traditional sustain pedal operation for easier access to portamento-based pitch bending
New in Version 2.5: Temperament control for de-tuning the instrument, or allowing use of un-equal temperaments.
Convolution Amp Modeling: 3 Amps with up to four reverb settings and multiple stereo/mono mic configurations.
Realtime release sample control (pick damping and palm damping).
MIDI Learn mode for all assignable controls and keyswitches.
A feature-rich, dynamic performance view with three pages of clearly organized and intuitive controls for tweaking the instrument to your taste and style.
Carefully chosen factory settings to allow unsurpassed out-of-the-box playability.
New in Version 2.5: A 70 page interactive manual featuring over 20 video examples and a new neck-position appendix including over 75 color coded diagrams of neck position/keyboard split layouts.