Waves Complete v14.0-V.R

V.R | 07.2022 | 175 MB


The World’s Largest Selection of Audio Plugins
From the industry's most popular compressors and EQs to award-winning reverbs and delays: The world's largest selection of plugins for music production, mixing, mastering & more.

New features & improvements in V14 plugins
New Mix and Trim knobs added to API 2500, CLA-2A, CLA-3A, CLA-76, Renaissance Compressor and SSL G-Master Buss Compressor.
Improved: Faster load times – All V14 plugins are now optimized to load faster when loading a session, individual plugins, or presets.
New: Quick drag-and-drop presets – Preset files can now be dragged-and-dropped into any V14 plugin for a faster workflow.
New: Selected plugins now have hi-res HiDPI graphic interfaces: Abbey Road TG Mastering Chain, API 2500, API 550, API 650, CLA-2A, CLA-3A, CLA-76, F6, OVox, PuigTec EQs.New in the CR8 Creative Sampler:CR8 is now available as a standalone application: Shape, manipulate and play your samples without the need for a DAW.
New “Snap to Zero Crossing” feature added to CR8.New: Any plugins added to CLA MixHub’s Insert slot now open as regular ‘floating’ plugins.
Improved: Live text and text boxes look sharper, with improved readability on low-DPI screens.
Improved: Better CPU usage:On M1 Macs: Abbey Road Studio 3, Abbey Road Vinyl, CLA MixHub, CLA Nx, J37 Tape, Nx Ocean Way Nashville, Nx Virtual Mix Room, Reel ADT.On all Macs and PCs: H-Reverb.

Win64; AAX, VST3, VST, SAL

官网: https://www.waves.com/

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