PDF | AudioZ Exclusive | 39.16 MB
Universal patch book
Sound analysis/reverse engineering
Synthesizer programming basics
Section I: In-depth explanations of synthesizer components
Intended to be an improvement on the approach taken by other books and online sources. Goes deeper while remaining comprehensible even to beginners
In-depth explanations of oscillators, filters, envelopes, and LFOs using harmonic and waveform analysis to explain the operation of each parameter
Many figures and graphs to explain exactly what's going on
Section II: Synthesis Through Harmonic Analysis and Reverse Engineering of Sound
For many users this is likely to be the most valuable section of the book
Through the use of examples shows how to use freely available harmonic analysis software to analyze and synthesize acoustic instruments, patches from other synths, and even reverse engineer sounds from previously recorded songs and samples.
This isn't just looking at waveforms in a sound editor. This is looking at and replicating individual harmonics. Synthesize specific instruments.
Want to know what settings an artist used to produce that deep bass sound? No problem. The author has even used this technique to synthesize his own voice! Harmonic analysis can produce results this specific even on analog synthesizers.
Reduces time and guess-work and produces MUCH better results than programming by ear alone
Section III: The original set of patches for ALL dual-oscillator synthesizers
View the list of available patches
102 universal patches for ALL dual-oscillator synths
65 of these patches are based on the harmonic and waveform analysis of acoustic instruments
37 of the patches are classic synth sounds: leads, basses, pads, and sound effects
Calibration section describing how to use included audio samples to calibrate a synthesizer's components for higher accuracy
This release has been exclusively provided to AudioZ by our member nmkeraj. Please show him some love
官网: http://www.synthesizer-cookbook.com/index.html