Wire Grind - Doffset DC Offset Remover v1.1 - 32bit 64 bit Vst Win [free]

32bit 64 bit Vst Win - 1 mb


Audio signals often contain DC offset. DC offset is often not easy to recognize when using an audio editor. Offset correction can reduce the magnitude of a signal while maintaining the loudness. This is a potentially useful trick when mastering a track or when fighting in the loudness wars.

Doffset user interface
Doffset is specially designed to minimize any coloration to the signal and, at the same time, quickly adjust the signal to remove any DC offset. Doffset offers three modes of operation, each giving a slightly different trade-off between bass response and zero DC convergence time.

Three Modes
super low: This mode has the most bass but takes the longest amount of time to adjust to new offset. It will handle extreme bass, and it is suitable in all situations.

bass drop: This mode has an intermediate amount of bass and takes an intermediate amount of time to adjust to new offset. This mode is intended to handle deep bass, and it should be suitable for most situations.

guitar: This mode has the least bass but takes the shortest amount of time to adjust to new offset. This mode is intended for sounds that lack deep bass. It is suitable for sounds such as that of a guitar.

官网: https://www.wiregrind.com/doffset/

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