FANTASTiC 20 MARCH 2016 | 281 KB
Second Wind' Soundbank for Gladiator from Xenos Soundworks is a new collection of 128 quality presets for Gladiator created by one of the main sound designers of the Gladiator factory soundset and Tone 2's Electronics expansion.
This soundset covers many different musical styles and the patches are neatly organized into various categories -- Basses, Leads, Pads, Sound Effects, etc. Xenos Soundworks have taken care to ensure that Second Wind is compatible with the original, unexpanded Gladiator 2.1 feature set.
Emphasis has been given on the sounds' ability to fit well into a mix, forgoing overt flashiness in favor of usability and practicality. Second Wind comes in Gladiator's own GLB format, which is imported into Gladiator via the "Load All" button in the top-left area of Gladiator's GUI.
Important Note: Gladiator Version 2.1 is required to use this product.