Xhun Audio LittleOne v3.1.0 Incl [WiN-OSX] Keygen-R2R
LittleOne is a faithful software emulation of one of the most legendary and appreciated hardware analog synthesizers.
In addition to an accurate re-creation of the original signal path, every single component inside LittleOne (oscillators, filter, envelopes, etc.) prove the same original architecture, frequency response and operative range of its analogue hardware counterpart, producing a deep, rich and warm sound.
Add to the equation a full rack with a 16-step analogue sequencer, a 16-step trancegate effect, two insert/master effects slots and the result is a complete, true-analogue-sounding setup within the comfort of a modern digital studio.
Analogue modeling simulation of real analogue hardware, achieved by the adoption of the Advanced Component Simulation (ACS) approach - oscillators, filters, envelopes (,...) are built preserving their original architecture, featuring all the micro-instabilities and imperfections of the analogue technology
Full 64-bit processing accuracy for every single aspect of the simulation
An all-in-one complete analogue synthesizer + sequencer + trancegate + rack effects setup
Two aliasing-free analogue modeled oscillators proving the same capacitors' charging/discharging responses as found on the original analogue circuits, with a continuous wave selection (morphing) mode between triangle, sawtooth, square, pulse
A legendary 4-pole resonant low pass ladder filter (modeled by the adoption of the topology-preserving transform / zero-delay feedback approach) proving all the original non-linearities, frequency responses (also at extreme modulation scenarios), self-oscillation, soft-clipping and overload control
Two 4-stage (ADSR) envelope generators proving the same capacitors' charging/discharging responses as found on the original analogue circuits
Extended modulation possibilities, including a white noise generator, a sample-and-hold source and a multi-waveform low-frequency-oscillator (LFO) featuring the original frequency range (from 0.2 Hz up to 500 Hz), allowing for advanced frequency modulation designs
True analogue polyphony. In addition to a classic monophonic mode, polyphony (4-voices) is achieved by simulating four fully-independent synthesis systems (devices) separately, as expected in the original hardware specification extension. Each of the four independent voices (devices) can also be tuned/detuned separately for an even more deep and rich polyphonic sound
Analogue components selector. Choose what kind of components to use inside LittleOne : select ultra-stable components, phase-locked oscillators (like in most recent analogue synthesizers) or select aged, much more unstable components and disable the phase-lock of the main oscillators
Accede all the advanced features like the alternative modulation sources/destinations, set the velocity to control the filter cutoff, extend the pitch bend range, select the MIDI input channel and much more - all from the operating system led display
Including XSQ16A unit (rack), a monophonic 16-step analogue sequencer
Including GAT3D unit (rack), a 16-step trancegate effect
Including two insert/master effects slots with the possibility to choose :
X-TREME unit (rack), an accurately modeled, ground-shaking tube distortion effect
FLANG-R unit (rack), an expressive stereo flanger effect
CHOR-S unit (rack), an expressive stereo chorus effect
D-LAY unit (rack), a tempo-synced stereo delay effect
REEVERB unit (rack), a resonator-based electronic reverb effect
Including a huge 400+ ready-to-use factory presets collection covering all styles, from vintage analogue leads and basses to frequency modulation sequences, contemporary cutting-edge electronic motion pads, trance stabs, complex psychoacoustic constructions, percussive and special sound effects. All the original Little Phatty1 factory patches (Stage Edition and Tribute Edition) are also included
Additional presets/patches available as commercial expansions
MIDI automation, with CC# mapping following the original Little Phatty1 MIDI CC# specs
Supported sample rates from 44.1 kHz up to 192 kHz
官网: https://www.xhun-audio.com/site/xhun.php?page=littleone