Team R2R | 02 Jan 2019 | 15.4MB
The Incredible Matrix Modular Analog Synthesizer
The XILS 3 V2.0 not only emulates the Synthi ( VCS 3 ) modular synthesizer, it also adds an emulation of the 256 Analog Sequencer, the natural companion of the VCS 3.
Is that all ? No, of course, we added a SECOND Matrix, offering 2 additional envelopes, one LFO, a detailed Sample and Hold module, and a Voltage processor …
And some input modules : Gate, Transient, Envelope Follower and Pitch Tracker. Which means hundreds of additional connections. Add to that the analog chorus with its three modes, and the analog delay, and the picture emerges.
In the XILS 3, you can connect everything with everything, and you get more than 800 possible different connections per patch ( ‘Only’ 583 simultaneous connections possible ).
Did we say at Audio Rate ?
An endless source of inspiration for those who want to go deep into the heart of Analog Modular Synthesis.
It’s nearly impossible to summarize what the XILS 3 can do, but, in short, here’s the list of the main modules :
6 Oscillators grouped in 3 pairs, with WaveShaping (on sine wave, saw, triangle and square)
1 Noise Oscillator ( With Noise color )
1 Analog Filter, Non Linear and zero delay Behaviors, with 3 Modes (12/18/24 dB LowPass)
3 Trapezoidal Envelope Generators, Looping EG in the time of analog (Switchable to ADSR )
2 Polyphonic LFOs ( including 1 Oscillator acting as LFO at audiorate )
Polyphonic Ring Modulator
2 independent outputs feeding the Stereo Bus, each with one analog Lp/Hp filter
Programmable Joystick Vector Controller ( up to 32+32 modulation targets )
Polyphonic Sequencer with 3 independent lines, Slew rates, 3 recording modes.
Sequencer can behave as modulation source.
Pitch Tracker, Envelope Follower, Transient, Gate, Sample & Hold Modules
Chorus, Delay, Spring Reverb
6 Play modes (including Unison 2/4/6 ), Polyphonic and mono Portamento/Glissando/Legato, 2 different Keyboard Scaling, Polyphonic Aftertouch and VCA handling.
Hundreds of presets made by worldwide famous Sound Designers
Preset Database Engine ( Find the right patch in a flash, create your own tags )
Comprehensive manual with a getting started and tutorial sections
Instrument or Effect plug-in
* No iLok Driver is required to run.
* Our release loads faster and uses less memory than original.