Yamaha KApro FM Milestones for MONTAGE X7L

Soundset for MONTAGE X7L | 795.37 KB


KApro has carefully ported the limited edition, centennial Yamaha DX 7 IIC/TX816 feeling to the YAMAHA MONTAGE by creating the new “KApro 006 FM” Sound Library.

Great for both live and studio use, the “KApro 006 FM” Sound Library contains sophisticated, lush performances suited perfectly for every style of popular music which exploits electronic sound synthesis. Especially, the “KApro 006 FM” Sound Library is tailor-made for ambient atmospheres and textures making movie scores and soundtracks really special. KApro spent a considerable amount of time carefully programming the performances to forge a sound library that will no doubt be your YAMAHA MONTAGE go to library for FM-X. All performances make use of the real-time sound morphing capabilities of the pitch bend wheel, the modulation wheel, the ribbon controller, the aftertouch control and, last but not least, the Super Knob.

Technical Details:

The “KApro 006 FM” Sound Library offers a varied sound set with:

339 different parts – i.e. “voices” in “MOTIF speak” – and
336 different scenes, organized in one Live Set termed “KApro 006 FM” with four pages termed “FM Milestones P.1” to “FM Milestones P.4”, and
64 multi-part performances, each having numerous scenes which provide numerous different timbres, all supporting the real-time sound morphing capabilities of the pitch bend wheel, the modulation wheel, the ribbon controller, the aftertouch control and, last but not least, the Super Knob functionality of the YAMAHA MONTAGE.


This product requires a compatible Yamaha synthesizer such as the Motif and/or MOXF and may require additional flash memory. Please select your specific instrument in the Instrument Compatibility section to determine if this product is compatible.

NOTE: Please refer to "Pack List" link at right for pack installation instructions and contents.
PACK LIST (To see all of the files contained click)

官网: https://eu.yamahamusicsoft.com/synth/kapro-006-fm-milestones

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