ZenSound Celestial Zebra Soundset-TZ Group

TZ Group | Zebra Soundset | 1.25 MB


Celestial for Zebra is conceived for cinematic electronic music with a light and ethereal feel.
Some of the sounds have an old style tape delay effect, adding a melancholic and fluttery character thanks to Zebra’s modular delay while other sounds have a smooth distortion adding an old vintage feel.
As an extra Celestial emulates characteristics of the early days of polyphonic hardware synths using Zebra’s duophonic mode.

Celestial is formed by smooth analog and emotive sounds, Berlin school sequences, cinematic uplifting arpeggios. Analoge mono leads for skilled pianists as well as large polyphonic atmospheric leads and pads. Powerful and heart touching orchestral sounds using organs, flutes and hybrid synths. Old and subtly distorted classic synths as well as avant garde synths. Indescribable and mystical soundscapes and cinematic transition effects. Hard hitting one-shot percussion sounds and low end bass sounds.

Celestial is full of calmly, airy and captivating sounds for the most delicate and professional productions; taking inspiration from the music of Brian Eno, Hans Zimmer and Tangerine Dream.
Velocity and modwheel controls are assigned to all the patches and 36 patches are totally transformable by Zebra’s Performance Pads.

Technical data:

· Approximately 4 MB of hard drive space
· Zebra V2.7

Content and formatting:
· 128 patches for Zebra
· Normalized Volumes
· Velocity Sensitivity
· Control by Modwheel
· Control by Performance Pads on 36 patches.

Royalty Free. For commercial or free use.

This release has been exclusively provided to AudioZ by our member Intrinsic. Please show him some love

官网: https://www.zensound.es/soundsets/zebra-celestial/

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