ETHERA Gold Atlantis represents an exciting new development on the vocal library concept. Ethera Gold Atlantis is a new tool for creating soundtracks, cinematic music, epic music trailers and any music requiring fantastic solo vocals.
All the samples included in this library are completely new and unique to this instrument. This has been made possible thanks to an incredible amount of hard work and research on how to create the ultimate vocal library.
LiTE version information
Based on Zero-G Ethera Gold Atlantis release by ViP Team and Talula
- All phrases samples and instruments are removed
- Everything else is untouched
- Samples converted from 24 to 16 bits
- Size on disk is 2.31 GB from ~6 GB
Note : This is obviously not the lightest version.
I usually don't remove a lot of content from libraries as I like to keep a real alternative to original libs.
Just want to save some space and some RAM and loading time without compromising too much the library's integrity and original essence.
But yeah, I don't like phrases :)
官网: https://zero-g.co.uk/products/ethera-gold-atlantis