MAAT LINearise v1.1.5-R2R

Team R2R | 22 Jan 2020 | 4.7MB


Dither is the missing link between distortion and clarity.
MAAT’s LINearise is the final link between production and delivery. Offering optional word length reduction and three dither spectra tailored to both analog and digital delivery of assets, LINearise is highly adjustable to help create your own signature “sound.” In addition to TPD and weighted TPD, LINearise features VPD?, Variable Probability Density, an exclusive feature that allows you to dial in the dither spectrum anywhere between rectangular and Gaussian distribution.

Need More?
LINearise has it. As you’d expect, automatic muting and variable bit depth but also a choice of rounding, truncation or no change to those least significant bits. Noise shaping and dither gain are also adjustable so, between all the choices, you can define the perfect low amplitude character for your client’s work.

Dither is a fundamental aspect of today’s DAWs. Although not usually thought of as such, re-dithering is important DSP (Digital Signal Processing). In the distant past, much of the pioneering research on dither was performed at Bell Labs. According to information theory, you should add a pinch of noise to your digital audio every time you change it to keep it distortion–free and to embed program content in the noise floor. That’s dither. Use it to make your digital audio less…“digital!”

Product Features
Redithering…On Your Terms

Triangular, High Passed Triangular, VPD
Variable Dither Gain — From 0 to 6 dB

Word Length Reduction

20, 16, 8 Significant Digits
Round, Truncate, No Change

Spectrum & Weighting

VPD — Adjustable Gaussian to Rectangular
Noise Shaping Amount

LINearise is not protected by Ax/IxProtector.

* You need the installation of R2R-WAIFU.
* CodeMeter runtime installation is not required.


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