Max Recorder 2.008

P2P | 03.2019 | 1.5 MB


Max Recorder is a software application which was developed in order to aid individuals in recording audio streams from the Internet, your hard drive or any connected device, with just a click of the button.

Quick setup and minimal interface
The installation process does not last too long and it is quite uneventful, while the interface you are met with presents a minimal and modern design. It is comprised of a few buttons, some playback controls (play, next, previous) and a pane in which to view all recorded items.

It becomes quite clear that all types of users can find their way around it with great ease, regardless of their experience level. Moreover, there are even some extensive Help contents you can consult.

Auto-split songs
This software utility enables you to record any audio stream, be it from the Internet, your hard drive or a connected device. Aside from that, you should know that you can set it up to automatically split tracks, and all your recording are displayed in the main window, along with the hour and date at which it was taken, and total duration.
Save tracks to HDD along with a few details

It is possible to play all of the aforementioned items, as well as hide the short ones, adjust the volume, delete some of them, and save them to the computer as MP3 files or to iTunes. Moreover, you can input information pertaining to the recording, such as title, artists, album, genre and comments. From the settings panel, you can change the channels and the encoding quality, so as to match your preferences.


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