Sounds in HD Attack of the 808s Episode III WAV SCD-PHOTONE

PHOTONE | April 17 2015 | 158.65 MB


The 3rd Installment to the Sounds in HD 808 Drum Samples Series. The main feature of this pack is the 200 Original 808 Bass Textures (400 Total). They were processed through analog and virtual Amps, LFO design,


All Samples given SP-1200 Emulated Processing for a Vintage, Gritty, Hard Hitting Quality.
330 Drum Samples
212l Original and 808 Bass Textures – Long 808 Bass Samples layer-able with your own bass lines. Add our textures on your own 808 or use our own layers. Includes textures that can fit right over 808 basses and combined textures and basses for out-of-box use. The 808 textures were ran through various Amps, LFO design and Sound Effects for a completely unique sound.
60 Urban Kick & Snare Drum Layers – Creative layers to add to any bass or snare drum. These were specifically designed to hit frequencies not involved with our 808 Texture and Basses for a unique sound over the usual bland bass and snare drums on Trap/808 Driven tracks.
24 Layered Claps – Lightly layered claps for use on their own or to layer with your own. These claps are compiled from classic tracks layered and processed to fit together for a classic clap-along sound.
34 Processed World Percussion Samples – Lofi, Distorted and Warm Percussion from all around the World. Pitched, Processed and played for authentic sound and rhythm to your tracks. Bells, Bongos, Congas, Dumbeks, Shakers and More!
All Samples 24 Bit Wav (Stereo and Mono labled and where appropriate)
All Samples Royalty-Free
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