Tracktion BioTek 2 v2.1.3.0-V.R

V.R | 09.2019 | 895 MB


A powerhouse sampling and synthesis workstation offering unlimited sound design in a unique and inspirational environment – evolve your own sound.

In a world full of virtual instruments, BioTek was designed to be different from the ground up. Not only is the engine more capable than existing offerings, but the choice to use natural and environmental samples gave the instrument its unique character. The user interface was designed to allow rapid access to inspirational parameters via macro controls on the main ‘Wild’ page whilst also presenting access to the deep editing environment. Extensive modulation and modifier routes are intuitively assigned and all parameters are available for DAW automation. Dive into the weird and wonderful immersive world of BioTek.

Deep Parameter Control
BioTek’s unlimited engine can scale to literally tens of thousands of parameters so managing the workflow is key. The intuitive system for importing your own samples and promoting parameters to the main ‘Wild’ macro page allows you to quickly construct your own instrument. The customizable ‘Wild’ page macro controls are immediately accessible to your DAW automation and new in version 2 is the ability to also access the entire parameter list from the deep editing pages. You have unprecedented control over all the instruments sound shaping tools.

New In Version 2
Spinal Saw Oscillator Type with up to 11 sawtooth oscillators in one, with FM and in-oscillator sync
Granular Sample Oscillator Type, with FM
Transistor Ladder Filter Type with 6, 12, 18 and 24 dB lowpass characteristic and resonance up to self-oscillation for all slopes
Sallen-Key Filter Type with 12 dB lowpass characteristic
Automation of all parameters (some hosts might be limited to first sound layer)
Dedicated browser page with filters for author, category, style and timbre and full-text search
Assign Source Info Menus showing where a modulation source is assigned to
500+ factory patches
4 virtual analog/sample playback oscillators
4 operator FM synthesis (can use samples)
Sync, Ring Mod, PWM, waveshaping
2 multimode filters in series with distortion and EQ
Filter Types: 4-pole & 2-pole LP, BP, HP, BS (Notch) 1-pole LP, HP Comb (Tuned Delay for Karplus Strong) Redux (SR, Bit Reducer)
200 modulation routes, 32 modifier routes (performing mathematical functions on the modulation sources), assignable GUI macro controls
8 Flow LFOs (each with 8 individual parallel syncable sub LFOs)
4 effects in series
Effects Types: Reverb Delay Compressor/Limiter Distortion Chorus Flanger Phaser Redux
4 envelopes (can be up to 32 stages with looping sustain and release sections, curvatures for each stage)
Sample import (Osc), MID file import (Arp)

(Win32/64; AAX*, VSTi)


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