Udemy An Accelerated Piano Course for Beginners TUTORiAL

P2P | 29 August 2019 | 8.94 GB


Have you always wanted to learn to play the piano but never known where to start? maybe you took lessons but gave up for some reason? Maybe you've just never found the 'right time' to start?

Learning to play the piano can be a rewarding, absorbing and inspiring activity which can bring you years of pleasure but, all too often, people who really want to learn convince themselves that it will be too hard.

'I'm not musical!' I hear this a lot and, while people do differ in innate ability, I have never taught anyone who couldn't master the basics and get enjoyment from their playing.

'I don't have time!' Yes, learning the piano requires commitment and regular practice but you can start on as little as ten minutes a day.

'I don't have the confidence.' I have taught so many people who started off lacking so much confidence they couldn't even play to me without panicking! But confidence comes with success and, as I nurture my students and support them through the material, I see them blossom and shine. In fact some students have told me that being successful at piano improves their general level of confidence!

Through my specially written 50 page piano primer book, downloadable as part of the course, you will learn the basics of the art of playing the piano. Lesson by lesson I will discuss and demonstrate each piece, showing you the tricks and time-savers to maximize your practice time which I have learned over 30 years of teaching.

This is not a 'quick and easy' type of course but a deep dive into piano playing that will set you up for playing the piano music of some of the great composers such as Mozart, Beethoven and Bach and will give you pleasure for years to come.

All in all my piano method is the next best thing to having one-to-one piano lessons, but at a fraction of the cost and with the ability to schedule your learning to times that suit you.

Don't put it off any longer, there's no time like the present. Start your wonderful journey into the world of the piano today.

What you'll learn

?How to play the piano with understanding
?How to practice for success
?How to read music
?How to interpret music
?How to approach learning new music

官网: https://bit.ly/2Zqr2HN

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